
a girl named girl.

i was just a girl

Dead Roses were pretty,
So, were my pricked hands,
And streaks of dried blood,
And thinned out hair,
I’m just a girl.
My once prim crimson nails,
All bitten down and bloodied.
My cheeks all scarlet red,
Now a washed out maroon.
What’s my name?
“A cumulation of bad choices”, you say;
I feel fifteen, when I slept on the floor.
When my wounds always seemed fresh,
And speeches I’d write but never say;
All stuffed in my drawer,
Till today.
I said, “I am just a girl.”
Deaths galore have I died,
Say it aloud, ”a burnt child loves the fire.”
Salt streams on my face from the eyes,
But it’s not water that seeps out, but the soul that drips and melts away.
Please, I’m only a girl.
I’d carve my eyes out,
So he’d see the sadness inside.
Maybe then I’d have less words to shout,
When he’d almost touch my scars and for me cry;
I’m wailing, I’m only a girl.
I foolishly believed I was different,
That I was made of gut wrenching poetry,
Knowing me would be something special,
Nevertheless, I’m all but habitual words.
I’m a lonely girl.
You and I, a mother and a daughter,
Reflection of the same wretched mirror,
I’m all you could’ve been,
You are all I might be,
Although, I’m still a girl,
I think Lucifer misses me.
I am his favourite pet after all.
He told me he likes it when I bleed,
And he saves me from the falls.
I’m all out of words and sighs.
I don’t think I have a name.
I have pages and pages of unheard words,
I have streaks and streaks of unhealed scars,
Now I cavort around town invisible,
With letters painted on me by a girl.
I’m a girl.
Soul disintegrated in your home,
All I’m now is just skin and bones;
Nameless and lifeless,
I carry on.
After all,
I am just a girl,
Named Girl.

There are times where I have not felt real. In a way that has me questioning my own existence. “A girl named girl” is supposed to be a reflection of that ideology and some more.

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