
Prince Charming

Cracked and dry,
Calloused and bruised,
Hands of a hard-working man.
Calm and steady,
Use them for good.
Those hands took mine,
Clinging to a fragile love,
Taking hold of a timid heart,
And promising to never let go.
A smooth talker with a crooked smile,
I’m hanging onto every word.
The tongue that used to charm me
Cuts like a blade across my heart.
The hands that once caressed my face
Make me cringe as they draw near.
You love me.
You need me.
Trusting eyes fill with tears,
Kiss me and try to fix it.
I crumble in your arms.
My safe place can’t be haunted.
Take me back to surprise gifts
And pictures in frames
Remind me how it used to be.
What have I done today?
Your palm kisses my cheek
As tears spill down my face.
Please don’t raise your voice,
Don’t lift your hand,
Don’t leave me alone.
I love you.
I need you.
