
Iron Lion in the Concrete Jungle


Am an Iron Lion in a concrete jungle.
they only see the hustle but they don’t know the struggle,
So if you want to make it, you got to flex your muscle.
The only thing coming easy is trouble’
And i ain’t scared to bruise a couple knuckles
But I stay humble
The time is gone,
when we use to fight and the beef was done
Nowadays the young and dumb shooting guns for fun,
So you better run
or back down
Don’t  play gangster and get hurt
You don’t want to end up  in the dirt
or with your face on a  T shirt
I gotta be a beast because my city is human zoo
they don’t only cage animals, They caging people too
Physically and Mentally
I feel like am in a mental prison
All this negative around me almost enough to block my vision
But I know me and success on a head on collision
So I stay humble
And pray to God I make the right decisions.
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