
Springsteen, Ticketmaster, and the Point of No Return

There are people who have seen dozens
of Bruce Springsteen concerts
They travel the world, even,
To experience the joy and exuberance
That no other performing artist can deliver.
But Bruce can’t tour forever,
or even as long as he might want to,
So his upcoming 2023 tour
Could be his last,
or perhaps my last,
or possibly even both.
When tickets for these shows went on sale,
With four digits in their asking price,
My Springsteen concert days
Have now reached their limit.
Springsteen days
Yeah, they’ll pass you by
Springsteen days
The result of Ticketmaster’s price
Springsteen days
Springsteen day-ay-ay-aze.
But they were certainly fun while they lasted.

Is this disappointing? Of course it is. But there are many disappointing things that happen in life. This is one more lesson in what matters and what ultimately does not.

#Springsteen #Ticketmaster

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