#Americans #Blacks
Treat me nice, Miss Mandy Jane, Treat me nice. Dough my love has tu’ned my brain, Treat me nice. I ain’t done a t’ing to shame,
OUT in de night a sad bird moans, An’, oh, but hit’s moughty lonely; Times I kin sing, but mos’ I groa… Fu’ oh, but hit’s moughty lonely! Is you sleepin’ well dis evenin’,…
De ol’ time’s gone, de new time’s… Wid all hits fuss an’ feddahs; I done fu’got de joy an’ cheah We knowed all kin’s o’ weddahs, I done fu’got each ol’—time hymn
HIT’S been drizzlin’ an’ been sp… Kin’ o’ techy all day long. I ain’t wet enough fu’ toddy, I’s too damp to raise a song, An’ de case have set me t’inkin’,
The moon begins her stately ride Across the summer sky; The happy wavelets lash the shore,… The tide is rising high. Beneath some friendly blade of gra…
Love of home, sublimest passion That the human heart can know! Changeless still, though fate and… Rise and fall and ebb and flow, To the glory of our nation,
ON THE RECEIPT OF A F… To me, like hauntings of a vagrant… From some far forest which I once… The perfume of this flower of vers… Tho’ seemingly soul—blossoms faint…
The word is writ that he who runs… What is the passing breath of eart… But to snatch glory from the hands… That is to be, to live, to strive… A poor Virginia cabin gave the se…
Air a—gittin’ cool an’ coolah, Frost a—comin’ in de night, Hicka’ nuts an’ wa’nuts fallin’, Possum keepin’ out o’ sight. Tu’key struttin’ in de ba’nya’d,
Men may sing of their Havanas, el… The real or fancied virtues of the… But I worship Nicotina at a diffe… And she sits enthroned in glory in… It ‘s as fragrant as the meadows w…
Lay me down beneaf de willers in d… Whah de branch 'll go a—singin’ as… An’ w’en I’s a—layin’ low, I kin hyeah it as it go Singin’, 'Sleep, my honey, tek yo…
A crust of bread and a corner to s… A minute to smile and an hour to w… A pint of joy to a peck of trouble… And never a laugh but the moans co… And that is life!
Slow de night 's a—fallin’, An’ I hyeah de callin, Out erpon de lonesome hill; Soun’ is moughty dreary, Solemn—lak an’ skeery,
Long had I grieved at what I deem… But now I am as grain within the… If so be thou must crush me for th… Grind on, O potent God, and do th…
TO F. N. Like sea—washed sand upon the shor… So fine and clean the tale, So clear and bright I almost see, The flashing of a sail.