Olga Gavrilovskiy

A Page a Day

How thin a page,
Its substance weightless,
Yet, gathered in scores
They weigh a book.
How quick a day,
From dawn to dusk
Inconsequential blink,
But swept in years
Those days accumulate a life.
With page, a book,
In days– a lifetime,
But either one
Is measured not in length,
But content.
So help me God
To lead a life
That’s worthy
Of every breath
You grant me.
And every day
That sun shines on my face
I find a way
To brighten it for someone else,
If only with a kind word,
Smile, embrace.
In conversation, helping hand,
In joy and kindness
We touch each other’s hearts,
And pages of our lives
Record and illumine
The stories
That fill the days
With meaning, and the divine.
©Olga Gavrilovskiy 2022
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