#Americans #XXCentury
A flea and a fly in a flue Were imprisoned, so what could the… Said the fly, “let us flee!” “Let us fly!” said the flea. So they flew through a flaw in the…
Be it a girl, or one of the boys, It is scarlet all over its avoirdu… It is red, it is boiled; could the… Have possibly been a lobstertricia… His degrees and credentials were h…
Go hang yourself, you old M.D.! You shall not sneer at me. Pick up your hat and stethoscope, Go wash your mouth with laundry so… I contemplate a joy exquisite
I have a bone to pick with fate, Come here and tell me girly, Do you think my mind is maturing l… Or simply rotting early.
The firefly’s flame Is something for which science has… I can think of nothing eerier Than flying around with an unident… person’s posteerier.
The hunter crouches in his blind ‘Neath camouflage of every kind And conjures up a quacking noise To lend allure to his decoys This grown-up man, with pluck and…
Master I may be, But not of my fate. Now come the kisses, too many too… Tell me, O Parcae, For fain would I know,
Barber, barber, come and get me; Hairy torrents irk and fret me. Hair and hair again appears; And climbs like ivy round my ears. Hair across my collar gambols;
They tell me that euphoria is the… Today I have the agility of a Gre… Yes, today I may even go forth wi… Today I am a swashbuckler, would… This is my euphorian day,
Song of the Open Road I think that I shall never see A billboard as lovely as a tree. Perhaps unless the billboards fall… I’ll never see a tree at all.
Senescence begins And middle age ends The day your descendents Outnumber your friends.
Purity Is obscurity.
Oh, weep for Mr. and Mrs. Bryan! He was eaten by a lion; Following which, the lion’s liones… Up and swallowed Bryan’s Bryaness…
This is a song to celebrate banks, Because they are full of money and… you hear is clinks and clanks, Or maybe a sound like the wind in… Which is the rustling of the thous…
Any hound a porcupine nudges Can’t be blamed for harboring grud… I know one hound that laughed all… At a porcupine that sat on a splin…