
She still exist

She Still Exist
I fell in love
Although it wasn’t enough but I gave love
I was loved when down and up
Like a crest and trough
Sometimes we break their hearts
But sometimes they break their own heart
They dig until they find what’s hidden
Believe me that’s only a start
I guess change is difficult cause I tried and tried
But continued to lie
I at least could be trusted but that was denied
I truly love I still do but I don’t want to go back to you
I feel you in my bed through your absents
I see you in my sleep but you a piece I don’t wanna keep
If we puzzled would we fit, asking myself I keep
I love her as my much as I want it to be my past
I wish she’s just a lust but she seems to last
She’s recently been my thoughts I mean always
I fight to end them but leaving my brain no ways
I never felt like this it’s only a first
Please leave me alone
Exit my presents it’s for the best
I was asleep when she decided to play detective
Go behind my back invade my privacy
She went through my staff and found what she was looking for
I swear I was asleep her reaction is what I should have saw
As she continued nonstop until she read them all
I woke up she seemed fine pretending
With a long kiss that I now still feel in my lips
I guess she decided to make it her secret
That secret is now no more
She yelled kept going out of control
To my heart she made a call
My heart answered like a normal soul
“Hello” not Adele so it was left with a hole
She’s in and out in my heart like it has corner’s
Imagine a person shopping alone in a mall
Enter and exit different store
Pick and choose not breaking any law
She still lives in my world
And I just can’t take it anymore
-   Ngcebo Leon Nxumalo
-   10 May 2016

This poem is based on a true story, was written under too much stress of her presents, He wanted too hard too move on but it seemed difficult.

Other works by Ngcebo Leon Nxumalo...
