

A violet by a mossy stone,
Half hidden from the eye,
Fair as a star, when only one,
Is shining in the sky.

   I have found violets. April hath come on,
   And the cool winds feel softer, and the rain
   Falls in the beaded drops of summer time.
   You may hear birds at morning, and at eve
   The tame dove lingers till the twilight falls,
   Cooing upon the eaves, and drawing in
   His beautiful bright neck, and from the hills,
   A murmur like the hoarseness of the sea
   Tells the release of waters, and the earth
   Sends up a pleasant smell, and the dry leaves
   Are lifted by the grass– and so I know
   That Nature, with her delicate ear, hath heard
   The dropping of the velvet foot of Spring.
   Smell of my violets! I found them where
   The liquid South stole o’er them, on a bank
   That lean’d to running water. There’s to me
   A daintiness about these early flowers
   That touches me like poetry. They blow
   With such a simple loveliness among
   The common herbs of pasture, and breathe out
   Their lives so unobtrusively, like hearts
   Whose beatings are too gentle for the world.
   I love to go in the capricious days
   Of April and hunt violets; when the rain
   Is in the blue cups trembling, and they nod
   So gracefully to the kisses of the wind.
   It may be deem’d unmanly, but the wise
   Read nature like the manuscript of heaven
   And call the flowers its poetry. Go out!
   Ye spirits of habitual unrest,
   And read it when the “fever of the world”
   Hath made your hearts impatient, and, if life
   Hath yet one spring unpoison’d, it will be
   Like a beguiling music to its flow,
   And you will no more wonder that I love
   To hunt for violets in the April time.
Other works by Nathaniel Parker Willis...
