

To myself, a reminder of my place in this realm.

A mouse in a field of Giants.
I wander the earth aimlessly.
Never trying to bother or interrupt.
In fact avoiding them both at all costs.
Spending my days looking down,
Watching the earth that my feet are always behind
Never meeting the eyes of another
Especially one who thinks oneself a giant, not a mouse.
Allowing this loveless squeezing, just isn’t all that pleasing to me,
Though I let it happen so very often,
That now the thought seems almost normal, easy.
Not pleasing though.
I hope every day to meet a rat.
A bit better off than I, but just enough like myself
To realize that there are Giants who could end our lives
With just a heavy breath.
It’s sad really,
But here I am, in this field of Giants,
Just passing through,


Recently published. Copyright laws do apply. Please do not steal my works.


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