
Once More!

Life has fallen apart since you left
The sun doesn’t warm up my body anymore
The air its not enough for me to keep living
The rain feels like crystals in my skin
My Spring is not colorful anymore
The cold Winter penetrates my bones and soul
Everywhere I go reminds me of you
Everything I say turns into sorrows
Everyone I see looks like you
My laughter has turned into bitternes
My passion  into indifference
My patience into willfulness
Please! Come back to me!
Make the bleeding of my heart stop
Help me bloom like the flowers in spring
Help me feel the rain caress my body
Warm me up like the Sun in Winter
Love me!
Be my Passion
My Laughter
My Patience
Be my Everyone
My Everywhere
My Everything
Be Mine Once More


For the one I once had but was never mine.

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