The soft blood trickled as it fell it was like a faucet with a slow leak dripping My mind went blank
She stood motionless Captured and cursed To be the devils mistress Screaming to be free Oh, but you may never be
*How long a minute is just depends on which side of the bathroom door you’re on... *I’m all sugar, sugary it doesn’t matter the
Sometimes, I forget to cross my T’s you know to dot my i’s Does that change everything
Lots of whip cream smiling faces the clouds look like big pillows circling around my eyes wandering through dark & dreary sk…
So hot... So cold... Open up, Then close down tight Can I really hear...
The purple ring of fire guides my heart burning lust shed the innocence of my youth
Who am I... But this old birdhouse Teetering Over the sea Waving around
I am finally free Of my cage Open to the world Ready to set sail No excuses
2 sticks that couldn’t rub without a match my hearts empty
She tried to climb out slow but her love for a man was quickening her journey the little man with the purple gui… was playing her song
Twist the dial come on tell me you care tell me
Burning the midnight oil needs one gasoline Standing tall waiting for you with my feathers
Adaptation, Products of our Environment thats where it is what makes us familiar different, unless
Do you think if people thought about tomorrow would it change today for them I wish I could have better control over my feelings