I really am happy I know what I want & where I want to go Never have I thought that before,,,
Dancer, Dance under the pale lit moon To the aging familiar tune While daisies die
I am a girl... I’m going to be weak I’m going to have emotion I’m real I don’t pretend
We are but yo-yo’s for the taking except what we will Ride the waves without real feeling
Not sure why it is the way it is at the moment The first time I saw him he wears a red bandanna
Not a Monet... Can’t repeat never the same scene nigh will
Seeds of hope I hear those words on late night TV
You came To save me White light Flowed from inside I felt safe
Once upon a time... A stupid girl was stuck letting the past creep into the
* You can’t change the past, you c… * If we can only experience the fu… * If we live moment to moment, sho… * If we only look ahead, do we mis… * If we can only live in the prese…
Sometimes we have to fall so that we can
I’m not sure that anything is different but I am
Snowing here Just like when I was there with you when I met you the first time
So hot... So cold... Open up, Then close down tight Can I really hear...
I watch you Do you see me Following with my eyes Handsome, tall With a vampires grin