
I See You

Just got a lot on my mind...

I see you
The beauty
You do not lack.
I see you.
For tears do not only storm
But instead they break the norm
Of silence
“Dear Cruelty,
I fear violence”
Can you hear me?
I’d much rather remain without court, without jury:
I fear violence!
I fear the pain that reigns from these siren’s
As men fall prey
But remain without those that pay attention
—Do not hear! —
To their simple crying.
Do you hear them?
For if I fear them, I fear greatness
I fear that which flows in great quantity
The morality
And sanity
Follows them into my system but gives no clarity
As in regards to their struggles
So they continue to bleed not as men
But as members fighting for their survival
And these could be animals, but if they were they would be kings, they would be lions
They’d be granted opportunity to protect and still they’d be prideful
Men of honour before honour
Birthed straight from the glory of the daughter
The one that taught and helped even those that weren’t hers how to master
Remaining true to oneself without the lust for disaster.
But smiles
Do more than travel the heartwarming miles
Instead they hide that which is true
And leave trapped in confinement that which is the reality of you
A beauty so timeless
It should never be stolen from my view
For I see you
And it is beauty that you do not lack,


It's just stuff about me... or a part of me really... a part that's always wanted to be both heard and understood
