(Mat. Prior)
#English #Victorians #XIXCentury #XXCentury
WHEN that with meat and drink th… Not temperately but like him conce… In monstrous jest at Meudon, whos… Stands for exemplar of Gargantuan… In his own name supreme, they issu…
Jane Austen Beecher Stowe de Rou… Was good beyond all earthly need; But, on the other hand, her spouse Was very, very bad indeed. He smoked cigars, called churches…
I’m 'ere in a ticky ulster an’ a b… A—layin’ on the sergeant I don’t… My shirt’s doin’ duty for jacket,… An’ I’m learnin’ the damned old g… Back to the Army again, sergeant,
When the cabin port-holes are dark… Because of the seas outside; When the ship goes wop (with a wig… And the steward falls into the sou… And trunks begin to slide;
HELP for a patriot distressed, a… Help for an honourable clan sore t… From Queenstown Bay to Donegal,… The honourable gentlemen have suff… Their noble names were mentioned—…
Er-Heb beyond the Hills of Ao-Sa… Bears witness to the truth, and A… Hath told the men of Gorukh. The… Comes westward o’er the peaks to… The story of Bisesa, Armod’s chil…
LOVE and Death once ceased their… At the Tavern of Man’s Life. Called for wine, and threw—alas!— Each his quiver on the grass. When the bout was o’er they found
OUR England is a garden that is… Of borders, beds and shrubberies a… With statues on the terraces and p… But the Glory of the Garden lies… For where the old thick laurels gr…
ENGLAND is a cosy little countr… Excepting for the draughts along t… And that is why you’re told, When the passages are cold: “Darling, you’ve forgot to shut th…
DAWN OFF the Foreland– the you… Jumbled and short and steep— Black in the hollows and bright wh… Awkward water to sweep. “Mines reported in the fairway,
I’VE NEVER sailed the Amazon, I’ve never reached Brazil; But the Don and Magdalena, They can go there when they will! Yes, weekly from Southampton,
IF YOU stop to find out what you… And how they will clothe and feed… Willie, my son, don’t you go on th… For the Sea will never need you. If you ask for the reason of every…
THE WIND took off with the suns… The fog came up with the tide, When the Witch of the North took… With a little Blue Devil inside. “Sink,” she said, “or swim,” she s…
HEH! Walk her round. Heave, ah h… Over, snatch her over, there, and… Loose all sail, and brace your yar… Ready jib to pay her off and heave… Well, ah fare you well; we can sta…
Offshore where sea and skyline ble… In rain, the daylight dies; The sullen, shouldering swells att… Night and our sacrifice. Adown the stricken capes no flare—