
-Pain follows-

if today i pray for better,
then tomorrow they feed me sh*t.
if im to wake the day to another wave
 i’ll seize control/ through empty hollows
to escape this tragedy that awaits me
judge not I
fore you know not me/ or my f*ck*d mindset
im one and only/ a lonely soul doomed with sorrow
no matter where i may roam/ just know...
that pain follows.
another day of agony/ has casted its shadow down in my hole
'the want to know this pain will heal,
is far beyond me or my control.
well now that shes gone/ theres no one left to help me
the sky fades back to grey/ the sun is blotted by a blue haze.
the grass isnt green’... its filthy and rotting.
who knows what shes thinking/ or what our god was plotting.
they all leave me here to face these tears..alone,
steadly waiting and watching.
judge not me,
for you know not why/ agony stays behind this lead.
or why i lay here empty/ with dead memories in my head.
ill try to shake this all away/ so that im no longer hollow.
but no matter where i stand today/ just know...
that pain follows.
—JTC—07/06/2013 (c)

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