

Sinking down in the sand
My feet have been grabbed
Pulling me down down I’m going
I can’t see, sand liberating my eyes
Taking over and controlling my sight
Down down and even more down
I can see their eyes glaring
Staring there’s nothing I can do
Want to Jump but I’m now stuck
They’re abducting my body taking me down
Grinding me down like themselves
Want to scream but sand has now filled my mouth
Feel like I’ve no choice but to give in
And give up on myself
Give in to these things can’t quite figure out
Why me why have I been chosen to be taken down
Pulling me down and even more down
Closer I go to the bottom of I don’t know where
What shall I do, what can I do
There’s a reason why I’m here
There’s a reason why I’m almost saying goodbye to the light
And suddenly.......when I’m about to take my last breath
I see light, I see the sun, I can feel the sea
That’s it that’s why I almost died life’s too short to be pulled down
Life’s to short to surrender, life is going to be different from now on

This poem is about all those people that have appeared to hate me
That have been critical and judgemental , also a poem about trying to be strong
And fighting off any weaknesses

Other works by Jo Evans...
