
..the real you

I cryed because i thought i loved you but i cryed because I missed how we were but mostly I missed who you were but I realized that you is gone who you are is dead the person I know now is no where near who I thought you were now I laugh and I should because you may have left but its Ok you should of left I deserve better the person you are is a lire and heartless your really not a faithful loving man your a boy who sucks the life out of anyone  willing to give you what you want I feel bad but I laugh at your next victim for they are to stupid to realize what I know and that’s why you ran away from me you ran away from someone who knew to much and fought back to be loved and respected I’m not jealous of whoever your with why would anyone be jealous of a little boy that don’t know what love is and just uses everyone to get what he wants  you got what you wanted from me but one thing you didn’t get was a lifetime of love laughs tears bad days and good days you got a glimpse it’s all you are is a little peice of my life now your gone and I’m happy you don’t deserve someone as good as me

Other works by Jilly Bosworth...
