#Americans #Women
‘He that hath an ear, let him hear… St. John the Divine. The Spirit says unto the churches… ‘Ere ever the churches began I lived in the centre of Being–
I called to the wind of the Winte… As he sped like a steed on his way… ‘Oh! rest for awhile on thy journe… And answer these questions, I pra… ’Who is the foe to all virtue,
I leave with God to-morrow’s wher… And do concern myself but with the… That little word, though half the… Well used, holds twice its meaning… Like one blindfolded groping out h…
I wandered o’er the vast green pla… And searched for Pleasure. On a d… Fame’s silhouette stood sharp agai… Beyond vast crowds that thronged a… I caught the glimmer of a golden g…
Sometimes when I have dropped asl… Draped in soft luxurious gloom, Across my drowsy mind will creep The memory of another room, Where resinous knots in roofboards…
The sun rode high in a cloudless s… Of a perfect summer morn. She stood and gazed out into the s… And wondered why she was born. On the topmost branch of a maple-t…
If one proves weak who you fancied… Or false who you fancied true, Just ease the smart of your wounde… By the thought that it is not you! If many forget a promise made,
Let no man pray that he know not s… Let no soul ask to be free from pa… For the gall of to-day is the swee… And the moment’s loss is the lifet… Through want of a thing does its w…
They met each other in the glade— She lifted up her eyes; Alack the day! Alack the maid! She blushed in swift surprise. Alas! alas! the woe that comes fro…
There is much that makes me sorry… And I seem to see more pathos in… I’m sorry for the strong, brave me… But who, in their own troubled hou… I’m sorry for the victors who have…
Last night I saw Helena. She wh… Of late all men have sounded. Sh… Young Angus rashly sought a silen… Rather than live without her all h… Wise men go mad who look upon her…
Hers was a lonely, shadowed lot; Or so the unperceiving thought, Who looked no deeper than her face… Devoid of chiselled lines of grace… No farther than her humble grate,
Arise, O master artist of the age… And paint the picture which at onc… Immortal art and bless’d prophecy. The bruiséd vision of the world as… To earth’s dark book add one illum…
The woman he loved, while he dream… Danced on till the stars grew dim, But alone with her heart, from the… Sat the woman who loved him. The woman he worshipped only smile…
Talk happiness. The world is sad… Without your woe. No path is whol… Look for the places that are smoot… And speak of them to rest the wear… Of earth; so hurt by one continuou…