
Loving you

Tomorrow when I don’t show up don’t worry
You’ll see, you’ll see where I really went
You’ll start to cry an wonder why
But don’t worry it’s not your fault
You would always try
But it was me who couldn’t do anything but cry
I’m sorry I couldn’t be better
I’m sorry you had to find all of this out in a letter
I’ve gone away for awhile now and may never come back
But maybe you’ll see me in another life
I can see you from above now
But just know I finally feel loved
Don’t take the blame
Hey at least I have fame
I’m sorry to put you through this
But I really could not do this
I finally thought about myself for once and did what I wanted to do
So I’ll end this story with you
I did love you
I did you and I a favor
How can you love someone that is non existing
Now we don’t have to deal with the pain that come with loving each other

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