
Anorexia: The End

Anorexia is a killer, a murderer to the third degree. We choose it ourselves when we look and see, our state in the mirror we think that we’re fat. When really we just don’t see the opposite of that. Our minds play tricks when society becomes a roar, the insides of our heads are the biggest sore, spot that causes us to put ourselves down. Self-conscious, no confidence, our faces always a frown. We look and don’t like what we see, so we try to change it by not eating. Our heads tell us not to eat to stay thin as a stick, but our other body parts can’t stay strong and thick.

Our hearts are under attack, no white blood cells to be found. They’re all dying off as our hearts stop making sounds. The beating gets slower the heart rate goes down. Our circulation is so horrible that we can barely spin around, without getting tired. It’s a constant thing. Heart disease, heart failure is probably happening. When the beat stops there’s nothing left. Even if we eat, there’s no healthiness.

Our brains are under attack, each and every part. It’s not normal like most, it’s falling apart. We don’t even see food, we see something else. We don’t want to eat because of its Visual Cortex, and our ventral striatum’s damaged making us hate the taste, nothing is enjoyable, we back away with haste. The dorsolateral puts a brake to any attempt to eat, and now we can barely stand on our feet.

We can’t have children now because of this, if we get pregnant we’ll either have a C-section or a miscarriage. Our children are underweight because we didn’t eat, they have birth defects, they’re also in defeat. Our bones are weaker, they might as well be twigs, they break easier than the wings of a pig. We won’t grow too much as our bones aren’t dense, our growth is stunted and won’t happen.  Bruises show up unexpected and always, even the smallest poke could make you go sideways.

The hurt and the pain that our bodies go through, is worse than our minds and the end is becoming true. If we don’t get healthy and get help soon, we’ll die so easily as we lie under the many moons. Most likely heart failure in our near future. Death will come soon if we don’t fix our structure. Getting help isn’t easy, but it’s the best thing to do. We have to do something or our time will run through.



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