
Despairing Red String.

A Poem of the distress, anxiety, and depression it feels to leave
Someone you're emotionally attached to, but through my lenses of current life.
Written By L.C.

A string tied among my heart prise,                                                         (1)
Like that of a hare in a snare.
But it is someone of high value,
someone of deep inclination,                                                                   (2)
Who lies at the end of the red string.
They rip at my heart,
My life support,                                                                                      (3)
But not by intention.
It is that of despair,
That I feel as I nest here.                                                                        (4)
And yet they do not have the same,
They do not have that of a string,
Tied to their own life support.                                                                  (5)
Not for me, like I am for them.
They are my life support,
And maybe it is a saddening,                                                                   (6)
Detail of such.
But when I am gone,
When I am not present anymore in the same locals,                                  (7)
It will feel like that of death.
And I am frighten-stricken,
With what may happen.
Without this person,                                                                               (8)
At the end of the red string.
Of if I will become that of the dead.
Walk among their trails,
Never to see,                                                                                        (9)
This dear person of mine again,
As a living person.
It is too soon,
to sever that string.
That red string,
Connecting me to my final,                                                                   (10)
Cradling lifeline.
To that lifeline of a mankind,
But what choice do I have, to not leave?

This poem is a reflection on my feelings about leaving someone I (platonically) care deeply for, as I being forced to move away.

#Despair #Melancholypoem
