

Broken people stick to me like honey, I am like a magnet to them, I always attract them into my life.
I wouldn’t like to say I’m a queen bee of the damages, but it appears I’m doomed to deal with them.
They say bees can get drunk from the nectar on the flowers, even looking clumsy while flying.
I would like to correct myself, I’m also a bee, unconsciously following them without a doubt.
Possibly I’m doomed. Addiction seems to be everywhere when I stare at the people I love.
Even when I look at my reflection, I see only pieces of the person I used to be.
It’s something ungracious to admit out loud, that I suffer from addiction, nothing charming.
And neither are the people I love. We all share our dirty secrets, things we are not proud of.
The sort of secrets that attends to your sleep, turning your dreams into nightmares.
Have you ever woke up in cold sweat with your heart about to jump out of your chest?
Because even if you try to bury those ungraceful memories in the back of your mind, they come to the surface.
The anger towards yourself due to your actions, the shame of everything you did for immoral substances.
If you have never experienced that, from the bottom of my heart, I hope you never do.
It will follow you for years, no matter how hard you try to pretend it never happened.
There’s always going to be a reminder of your actions, they become your shadow.
Other works by Anastasia...
