#Americans #Women
THE white cat is sleeping by the… With her paws tucked under her chi… Very tame and gentle she is sleepi… Whom I saw but now come in, Come in from the dark night and th…
AND will you rest at last, storm-… In this poor heart, who would your… Will you sink down at last, conten… The common treaures of tranquillit… Will you forget your high and fier…
Oft on my way, my daily task pursu… Meet I two fairy figures face to… Beauty and Peace, who smile on me… All else I see with something of… Not in my youth did I their shape…
ON summer evenings when the full… Serene and fair, High in the crystal air, On hillsides deep in birches and i… Then in all hearts there stirs a h…
WON’T it be curious when I am de… Some one, unknown to me, here in m… Curious surely for others to see Trifles I made or marred outlasti… All my possessions - bracelets and…
NIGHT after night within the gro… The night wind spares the sacred f… The breath made visible of love, Of worship and desire. I set the tripod at thy shrine;
THE clear young voices rise and s… Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:… Shall prosper that love thee.’ Ye… Harbors the hope that he may have… In war– the roar of guns, the roll…
THE LIGHT of spring On the emerald earth, A man, a maid, And a mood of mirth, A foolish jest,
WE have quarreled; ugly things ha… Bitter things, in a tone controlle… Temperate; we weighed our words, l… Of cruelty lose the edge of being… We have quarreled over a trifle, o…
‘NOT that you’ll like him,' Nell… ‘No mystery - no romance, A fine, stern, eagle-like head, But he simply reeks of finance, - Started from nothing - self-made -…
(' Women are often tempters to sexual sin and delight in it. . . A recent report of a female probation officer relates that some of the girls who, as we may say euphemistically’ had gon...
THE house is bright with lights a… Like a palace in the Arabian Nigh… Lights in festoons and lights in c… In chandeliers and crystal lustres… And all the length of the stairs’…
FARE you well, who love the high… Love the cities, tall and bright, For the forest ways are my ways, And the birds’ songs my delight, And the stars in river byways
THERE is a magic pathway through… There is a current in the troubled… A happy course to steer, if one bu… A meaning to the dream. And some in love and some in dogma…
TRAINED nurses, trained nurses… Trained nurses by night, trained n… In the corridors, on the stair, Looking for towels, carrying a tra… Saying, 'you mustn’t,' ‘you must,’…