

You know, you appear in my dreams
In those rare cases when I manage to get some decent sleep.
I’m glad I don’t lose you in my head, don’t get too drunk or too high,
Because in the morning, I want to remember it all and send it your way.
Usually, these dreams are fragrant and warm,
With a taste of milk, and a temperature of April.
I dive into them, without breaking the rhythm,
Without disturbing the sleepy mines and marks.
These dreams are semi-legal, or so it seems to me.
These dreams are semi-decent– well, that’s obvious.
I touch your restless heart -
And breathing closes, like under a contrasting shower.
Keep rescuing me, my beloved ghost,
From the days that burn me deeply.
So I live in this sleepy self-deception,
You’re my evening,
My escape.

Other works by Marian Radkowski...
