

To: Mr. Mayers, my old English teacher who always saw the best in what I could become.

This is our land
the legend is true
Sparta, we die for you.
“We will all return” he said
“we carry our shields,
and those who have fallen
will be carried back on it”.
We are outnumbered thousands to one,
the mighty 300 show no fear.
We came this far noble, some weak,
gaining fame we need not seek.
Many have fallen, we honor our dead,
our plans overheard by a man with
down syndrome fucked up in the head.
Our match has been met, Sparta we
have failed you, Dilios train his son well
let him be the leader of the next mighty 300
and avenge his father Leonidas and what
was the famous 300.


we had to write a poem in English class about an event in history, so I wrote about the famous 300
